Yoga & Meditation
In summer camp daily routine begins with yoga and meditation. The camphers assembles in yoga hall daily at morning where they learn various asanas and the art of meditation.
One of the important activity of our school is "BALOPASANA" summer camp; which is organized from 1st May to 10th of May every year for other school children. The instructional language in the camp is English, Hindi and Marathi.
It is the golden opportunity to the children of the age group of 9 to 15 yrs for boys and girls to enjoy various adventurous and joyful indoor and outdoor activities.
The camp is organized for both boys and girls. Moreover it is residential as well as updown facility is available for local children. The activities which are the part of our school activities are alll included in Ballopasana Summer Camp. The school also organizes Inter School Dandiya Rass competition in Navratri festival.
In summer camp daily routine begins with yoga and meditation. The camphers assembles in yoga hall daily at morning where they learn various asanas and the art of meditation.
The school is having indoor rifle shooting range where camphers have been given introductory training of riffle shooting.
Water Park is one of the attractive features for the camphers where they can enjoy and have a lots of fun.
Campfire is one of the important activity in the summer camp. Everyday in cultural night students participate and performs various acts of singing, dancing, drama, mimicry, anchoring. They are encouraged to show their hidden talents.
Boxing is one of the sports activity. The camphers have been taught the basic skills of boxing.
March Past is a part of Military Training. To inculcate leadership qualities, courage, discipline and military bearings the primary training of march past is given to the camphers.
To impart stage courage among the camphers the school organizes various stage competitions like elocution GK quiz comas debate and many more.
It is one of the academic activity. Here the students have been taught basic grammar of English language.
To keep the camphers happy and joyful various entertaining indoor games like pillow passing, ball passing, music chair, Chennai express, throw the ball in a basket etc. have been organised by the school.
Introductory knowledge of music is given to the camphers where they can learn instruments playing, singing patriotic songs, group songs reciting prayers, solo singing and singing in a group.
BMS has a standard size Swimming Pool. The camphers learn to swim and its various skills under the strict supervision of the coach.
Horse riding training is given to the campers under the guidance of horse riding coach.
The adventurous activity that is climbing on the artificial wall has also been given to the camphers under the strict supervision of the instructors with all safety measures.
It is a part of military training which has been introduced for the camphers to develop their strength and stamina.
Zoomba an exercise fitness program is conducted for the camphers in Balopasana Summer Camp along with classical and filmy dances.
Rhythmic fitness exercise is conducted for physical fitness. It is performed under a rhythmic music. It is practised in a group setting for all the camphers led by an instructor.
The camphers have been taught how the useful and decorative devices can be made by our own that is best out of waste by using the simple tools.
Karate a Japanese martial arts physical training has been given to the camphers where they learn the various offensive and defensive skills.
To inspire to the intellectual talents of the children and to make them smart and bold the school organises various quiz competitions for the camphers in Summer Camp.
To promote bodily fitness and strength the systematic use of exercise has been taught to the camphers at primary level.
To create aesthetic sense among the students garland making activity is conducted in the camp. They can learn the art of making garlands from Rose petals, ribbons, scrap papers.
One day picnic is a part of an excursion in which the camphers are taken out doors in Scenic surroundings such as a park or a garden.
Snacks time (4.30 pm) is a part of daily routine of the camp. The delicious light meals are provided with a self service system.
The popular team game cricket is a part of sports events in Balopasana summer camp.
The school also organizes Dandiya Raas competitions during Navratri festival every year. Wherein various schools in Bhusawal City are invited to be participated. Fabulous prizes are offered to the best Dandiya players in different category. Dandiya Prince, Dandiya Princess, Best Dress up, Best Dandiya Group, Dandiya Queen and Dandiya King. The competitions are arranged for both boys and girls of the age group from 10 to 15 years. And every year we get good response from the participants. This activity is for the encouragement and motivation to the students.
The teachers from all the Institutes of Biyani Educational Group and the respected members of their families are also invited to be participated in all musical nights of Dandiya Raas Competitions.